Steve Immerman Kilnformed Glass
Art has always been a necessary facet of my life and is a huge part of who I am as a person. Because of my passion for photography my mind’s eye views the world as if I am looking through a camera. As opposed to the precision and realism of photography my glass art is abstract. Although my art always has geometric design elements, the geometry is often juxtaposed with chaotic design elements. My goal is to create objects of beauty and to enjoy the process of their creation.

This site is meant to show you some examples of my art work and provide information about me as an artist. If you are interested in learning more about my art, click on the Facebook link at the bottom of each page to see additional work, detail images, and process photos.
The “Tutorials” menu link will take you to web pages describing many of the processes used in my work. The “Gallery” menu link will take you to a sampling of my work.
I hope you enjoy looking through these pages!